Housing Options Self Assessment Service

Welcome to Dumfries & Galloway Council's Housing Options Self Assessment Service.

Dumfries & Galloway is a very popular place to live. As the Council is a stock transfer authority, all affordable housing stock is provided by Registered Social Landlords (RSL).

As there is more demand for affordable housing than supply, this tool has been created to assist you in finding out all the housing options that are available to you. By answering questions relating to your household size, tenure, income, etc. this helpful housing options self-assessment will provide you with a personalised summary of the housing options that are suitable for you.

At the end of the assessment, you will be provided with an Action Plan (which you can email or print off) which provides details on the next steps you may wish to take to help resolve your housing situation. You can also access information on benefits advice, financial and budgeting advice and employability agencies.

Unfortunately, there is a limited availability of affordable housing to rent, for example, within the reporting year (2021/22) 1,127 properties became available from Homes4D&G; however, during the same period, they reported registration of 3,128 new applications. This means that they are not able to offer a property to everyone who applies for housing. Those receiving offers are those in urgent housing need such as people who are homeless, have medical needs and families living in overcrowded accommodation.

Further information on Housing Options and help for homeless people can be found on our Council website.

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